Rachel Beebout
Velma Brubaker
LuEva Burdette
Ethel Bybee
Lionel Bybee
Margaret Clarke
Mattie Clark
Sam Coe
Donald Collins
Alberta Conrey
Dorothy Davis
James Dennison
Metz DesVoigne
Kenneth Durham
Kirk Fuller
Helen Garrison
Dorothy Grant
Donald Harsin
Dwight Harvey
Pauline Hedrick
Frances Kendrick
Paul Kimberly
John Kool
Edward Larson
Katheryn Linzine
Laura Maloney
Louise Merriman
Maxine Momyer –
Mabel Monroe
Forest Moore
Marjorie Moore
Marcella Murray
Marshall Myers
Olive Price
Mildred Ream
Leo Romesburg
Vera LeRene Romine
Evelyn Rothfus
Frances Rowley
Roger Scott
Jennie Shawver
Roy Shell
George Smith
Lois Spaur
Irma Steele
Addison Stewart
Lola Stoops
Willis Stroud
Dorothy Toom
Frances Vanderwilt
Cleo VerSteeg
John Visser
Return to Class of 1932
08/24/1998Ruth Walker
Ted Ward
Lloyd Welch
Wyatt Welch
Palmer Whittenberg
Glenn Wilson
Mildred Wilson